2. Arthur Stephen RENDELL [scrapbook] 1 was born on 17 Jan 1857 in Newfoundland, Canada. He died 2, 3 on 18 Feb 1932 in Pasadena, Los Angeles, California, United States from Age: 75. Arthur married 4, 5, 6 Christina Lilla Matilda STABB "Lily" 7, 8 on 24 Apr 1881 in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada.
Arthur immigrated in 1873 to United States of America. He resided in 1920 in Pasadena, Los Angeles, California, United States. [Parents]
Arthur Stephen RENDELL
MISC: Wed. Dec. 11, 1907
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur RENDELL with their 2 sons, left by last night's express for England, via Halifax, where they join the C.P.R. Steamer "Empress of Britain". They procured through tickets from General Passenger Agent Johnstone, of the Reid-Newfoundland Company. Through transportation is a great convenience to the travelling public, and it is a gratifying feature in connection with the Reid system, that arrangements have been made to secure through passenger and freight rates, as well by the C.P.R. steamers as their trains. That luggage may now be checked right through from its destination is a very desirable feature, as transshipments are thereby robbed of the worst of their terrors. Luggage is checked at St. John's, and there the worry ceases until Liverpool.
Newfoundland Posts and Telegraphs
September/ October 1923
Sunday, Early Edition:
Oct. 18:
A.S. RENDELL & Co.'s schooner "Freedom" which left Sydney {Nova Scotia] in
September and was feared lost with all hands arrived Carbonear this morning.
DEATH: will proved in London on Oct 7, 1932 to Franklin Harrison McKeown Bonnell - solicitor's clerk attorney of Harry Rendell and Ewen Stabb Rendell. The estate was worth 4769 pounds
SURNAME: Also shown as Rendell
GIVEN NAMES: Also shown as Arthur Stephen